Frank Arturi #1594

Phalanx Honor Society Member

B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, 2019
M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering, 2020

About Me
I got involved in the RPI campus community early my freshman year. RPI Ambulance was the first organization I joined, and have been an active member of since. I became heavily involved in RSA, serving as the Secretary of the Nugent Hall Council. Additionally, I started as a Road to Rensselaer (R2R) liaison, visiting my high school to speak with prospective students.

My sophomore year, I was an I-PERSIST Calculus Mentor, the Secretary of the Sharp and Warren Hall Council, and the Secretary of RPI Ambulance: positions that helped me realize my passion for helping other students.

My experiences and passion for helping others lead me to become involved in Residence Life. My junior year, I was the Resident Assistant of Church II and III in Quad, building relationships and hosting programs with sophomore students. Additionally, I was inducted into the National Residence Hall Honorary, furthering my involvement with residence halls on campus.

My Residence Life journey continued into my senior year, working with an incredible staff to build a strong resident community as the Resident Director of Sharp and Nugent Hall. Additionally, I hold a position on the National Residence Hall Honorary E-Board as the VP of Recruitment and Retention, recognizing others who have made positive impacts in their residence halls. My involvement in RPI Ambulance continued, becoming the chair of the Grievance Committee, helping to resolve issues within the agency.

Next year, I will pursue my Masters in Biomedical Engineering, while remaining active in Residence Life as a Resident Director in Quad.