Maricate Mangan #1603

Phalanx Honor Society Member
B.S. in Environmental Engineering, 2019
About Me
Throughout my time at RPI, I have become a very active participant in the sustainability clubs on campus. My junior year, I became the Chairwoman of the Student Sustainability Task Force (SSTF), where we reorganized the club to allow for more communication amongst clubs, in order to facilitate better communication and cohesiveness for sustainability initiatives on campus. in addition to SSTF, I have been a member of Engineers without Borders, where I traveled to Nicaragua in January 2018 to assist in the assessment of a water distribution system in a rural community there. My junior year, I also got involved working with the Student Senate Sustainability Committee, where I helped to write a composting proposal to promote on-campus composting.
Aside from these various sustainability clubs that I have been a part of on campus, I have also been able to connect with the Troy community through Big Brothers Big Sisters. In this club, I have been able to form a friendship and mentorship with a child from Troy, where I have learned a lot about growing up in different circumstances.