Savannah Henry #1616

Phalanx Honor Society Member
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, 2020
About Me
In my time at Rensselaer, I have connected to various parts of student life in many different ways. My first leadership position at RPI was the I-PERSIST Math Mentor position through the Office of Student Success
and Department of Mathematics. In this role, I mentored first year
students academically and socially through their first semester of
college. I also joined Leadership Educators Advising Peers (LEAP) through the Archer Center for Student Leadership Development. In this organization. I’ve worked with students across campus on team building,
trust, communication, and problem solving through experiential learning
My main “passion project” at Rensselaer has been becoming a Bystander
Intervention Peer Educator. In this program, I’ve trained numerous teams
and organizations on campus in how to safely and efficiently intervene
in situations of sexual violence, hazing, mental health emergencies,
substance abuse, and physical health emergencies. I’ve also trained
incoming first year students on affirmative consent during student
During my junior and senior years, I became very involved in residence
life, first serving as an RA for first year students in Nugent Hall,
then as an RD for first year students in Nason Hall, and finally as an
RD for sophomore students in RAHPS A. I also am currently the president
of the National Residence Hall Honorary (NRHH) and an executive board
member of the Resident Student Association (RSA).