Talei Moore #1621

Phalanx Honor Society Member
B.S. in Science, Technology and Society, Minor in Public Health, May 2020
About Me
During my time here, I have learned that differences among people make us unique, and that in trying to bridge that gap, we do not always have a blueprint. Thus, I made it my mission to take what I am given to construct a strong and sturdier foundation upon which my peers and anyone who follows can build upon.
Beginning my first year, I was active with the Black Students Alliance where I served as the Freshman Representative, the Public Relations Chair, and two years as the President. In these roles, true diversity and inclusion became a focal point, displayed through the creation a Black Student Mentor program alongside BGSA President and BSA’s SARP; and the organization of the Black History Month calendar that would include the first and second annual DC trip for Black History education, Black community cuisine evenings at the Commons Dining Hall, and the first and second annual step and stroll competition in EMPAC. During this time period, I was involved in advocacy and supporting roles for the Black and Latinx community through “Building a Community of Color” with the goal of bringing a voice to URM students and advocating for changes to the institutional structures that exist and limit certain groups on RPI’s campus. From this stemmed the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force, conversations surrounding a proposed Multicultural Center, institutional support of a URM mentoring program, and the hiring of diverse staff across various departments. From BSA, I have been able to learn and absorb resources that can benefit my community and aid in the better support during the integration of URM students into the larger RPI community.
As the Co-Director for the 40th NSBE/SHPE Career Fair, I coordinated the communication of a 45-student staff to welcome 205 companies and over 3,000 students. Simultaneously, as a member of the Student Health Advisory Council, I developed and edited a proposal for the Student Health Center that will exhibit potential student outreach initiatives; and coordinated meetings with administration to review and critique the revised implementation procedures for the “Alcohol and Drug Policy”. Currently, I am in the process of organizing a campus health campaign around juuls and e-cigarettes for a Fall 2020 roll-out. When I am not involved with campus organizations, you can find me in the Office of Student Success as a work-study equivalent or volunteering at the Unity House and the Alliance for Positive Health.